Poetry Reading Video Clip

Elinor reads Thanatos Wears Shalimar and Ancient History at Bookshop West Portal

Hey, listen to my reading of two of my poems at the Bookshop West Portal. A group of poets, published in the anthology, River of Earth and Sky: Poems for the 21st Century, gave our reading in this cozy, charming bookshop. Thanks to Diane Frank, editor of the anthology, who introduced us.

2 Replies to “Poetry Reading Video Clip”

  1. Oh ellie, it was so wonderful to see you and hear you.

    You are a superb poet! What a gift you have.

    I am thrilled for you that you are getting overdue and well-earned recognition for your talents.

    Way to go, girl! Mr. Tate would be so pleased.




  2. Thanatos Wears Shalimar—Wow, so powerful! And the poem about grade school totally reminded me of Miss Brown in 5th grade. Love your stuff! 😘

    Sent from my iPhone



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